I attended the Wagon Nationals 2019 for the first time with Walter, turned out Melbourne weather didn’t actually look too bad!

We arrived around 8am and in we went with the other Adventra’s, I was told we had 31 Adventra’s/Crewman Cross turn out which is the best turn out in all 3 years.

Credit: Photo from a member on the Facebook Adventra & AWD Holden Group
We don’t often get to Admire the HSV version of the Adventra and to be honest, you don’t often see many of them, especially in clean condition so I wanted to feature a few shots here. Sorry, my photos aren’t great as they aren’t edited and it was a gloomy early spring Melbourne day.

Of course the famous Adventra LX8 PIG was on site, drove all the way to Victoria to appear at the event. Can see Wal admiring the large tyre size, don’t think we will ever go to this size but it is a nice look. I’m told that the whole front end is going to be modified to accommodate a winch in the future from its owner. I wanted to get a short video with its owner to get some details and talk about its history but was declined, perhaps camera shy!

Of course Adventra’s aren’t all about the drive, one arrived presenting bass levels you could hear at the other side of the caribbean market and it was just incredible. We have no idea how the glass is still intact in the wagon!

Then there was this LX8 a very clean Adventra with just the right look under the hood. Props to its owner.

If you didn’t already know, some of the Holden Crewman Cross8’s that were released with the slowly becoming rare AWD system were released with the 6L L76 V8 instead of the 5.7L LS1 V8 here was the only one I could spot. I was also able to finally get some nice clean shots of the CrossTrac badge I’ve been wanting for awhile. The bay wasn’t clean but I don’t think the owner expected anyone wanting photos of the 6L.

I also found an amazing prototype of a rear bar that can carry an oversized spare wheel (instead of on the roof!), fuel, and perhaps other items. The designer/maker advises he will be making these in production late this year and I hope to be the owner of one as going camping suddenly got a lot easier.

I also met a guy named Wally who owned a well-maintained LX6 and is a builder by trade and well, has made an awesome draw system that’s fixed into the back of his Adventra. I also noticed a great idea for the side rear windows which is a great mod for only a few dollars!

Overall it was a great day, sun came out around lunchtime then slowly went away before a light shower. Here is a dump of the rest of the photos everything I took, had no real purpose just snapping what I could, perhaps you might be in one if you attended!

And of course, we can’t forget the video… Enjoy!
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